We may all be aware of the recent flooding occurring in Pakistan which has impacted millions of people and left many individuals and families devastated from the effects. People urgently require aid and assistance and we need to work together to help them
Pakistan Emergency Appeal
People have been left without homes, shelter, food or medicine and urgently require some assistance. We are organizing this appeal in order to help those that are struggling to cope after being hit by the floods
Your funds will be utilised by People’s Foundation and its partners on the ground in Pakistan to help deliver whichever aid is necessary and wherever possible, given the hardships of accessing certain areas and people
You can donate towards this appeal as long as it is open through our website or through the bank with the reference "Pakistan Flood Appeal"
Get Inspired
You can email us with any ideas or suggestions on the details at the bottom of this page or just click here to see some of our fundraising campaigns. You can also browse our website to see all our appeals we have on-going and see some of our completed work